Mobile Phone Numbers are key personal identifiers. Fraudsters often hijack or spoof numbers in order to achieve their gain.

In order to stay one step ahead of the fraudsters, businesses need to verify the correct person is in possession of the phone number especially when it is used for onboarding or transactions.

XConnect, with its own data and through the technology of its partners, plays a pivotal role in identification and verification, delivering the attributes to build trust in the number.

We gather and blend data inputs from a variety of verified sources, such as the Mobile Network Operators, Number Registry Authorities, Regulators and trusted databases. We then deliver seamless, frictionless responses ensuring a swift end-user experience. Businesses can then highlight early red-flags and prevent potential fraudulent activity before enabling service.

Number Intelligence by XConnect

XConnect checks that phone numbers are active and assigned to an individual before on-boarding or transactions take place which can identify SIMSWAP and eliminate KYC issues at a high level before further investigation.

Some of our services

Number intelligence by XConnect

Prevent revenue share fraud

XConnect helps leading global e-commerce providers protect themselves from fraudulent premium rate call backs by enabling them to pre-validate numbers before making those calls.

Number intelligence by XConnect

Verification of mobile phone numbers

We help companies identify, in real-time, if a given mobile number is live on a mobile network and check the port history for potential SIM SWAP fraud. Through our partners we can also help check personal information relating to that number to help enterprises verify identity before high value transactions or customer on boarding.

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Number intelligence by XConnect