MEF Connects Digital Transformation

Telecoms Fraud 360 - 18th July 2022

According to the 2021 Fraud Loss Survey conducted by the CFCA, global telecom revenues were estimated to be approximately USD 1.8 trillion. The total amount of telecom revenue loss due to fraud was estimated to be 2.22% of revenues - or a shade under USD 40 billion. Compared to 2019, fraud losses increased 28%.

So what’s going on? What is driving this huge increase? What are the impacts globally? Who is behind this? And what as a global industry are we doing or (rather more importantly) NOT doing to protect consumers and other types of stakeholder globally? Will we ever get one step ahead of the fraudsters?

The panellists for this discussion were:

  • James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
  • Nilay Kumar, Vice President – mFilterIt
  • Katia Gonzalez Gutierrez, Head of Fraud & Security – BICS
  • Dmitry Sumin, Head of Products – AB Handshake Corporation
  • Tim Ward, VP Number Information Services – XConnect